E Ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha,
Tēnei rā te mihi atu ki a koutou, kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi atu e.
Ko Rueben Tipene tōku ingoa, te honore hoki tēnei māku ki te whakaako I Te Reo Māori ki tēnei
No reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Greetings and welcome,
My name is Rueben Tipene and It is my privilege to be teaching Te Reo Maori here at
I am a descendant of the Ngai Tahu and Nga Puhi tribes and have grown up with the Maori
language and culture from a young age. We would travel to marae for hui, wānanga and tangi
thereby learning many practical skills such as Whanaungatanga (Building Friendships) and
Manakitanga (Hospitality)
Performing in kapahaka groups in regional and national competitions has always brought fond
memories, so my family and I love to sing.
We also enjoy hosting people and a large part of being a good host is kai (Food) I know food
certainly makes me happy and I like to see others happy too, so, we have a kai.
In conclusion:
Teaching is something I have always enjoyed and at the same time I enjoy learning new things
and this is a constant reminder to me that we can all learn from one another.
So once again it is certainly my privilege to share a little bit of something I know, with you.
“Nāu te raurau nāku te raurau, ka ora te manuhiri”
With your food basket and mine, guests are fed
No reira,
E te Ti e te Ta, e ngā rau rangatira mā
Noho ora mai, kia ora